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  4. Rate Retrieval

Rate Retrieval

POST Retrieve Spot Rate

Request Sample

  "sourceCurrency": "GBP",
  "targetCurrency": "EUR",
  "sourceAmount": 500,
  "targetAmount": 0,

Response Sample

    "sourceCurrency": "GBP",
    "targetCurrency": "EUR",
    "sourceAmount": 500.00,
    "targetAmount": 568.66,
    "rate": 1.1373275,
    "id": 1757735

Call this API to retrieve the spot rate for a source currency or target currency. You will then receive the rate and a rate ID which can be used to book the contract.

Request URL


Field In Format Description Required
token header string Authentication token Mandatory
sourceCurrency body string Selling currency’s three-digit code Mandatory
targetCurrency body string Buying currency’s three-digit code Mandatory
sourceAmount body decimal Enter desired selling amount Either source amount or target amount
targetAmount body decimal Enter desired buying amount Either source amount or target amount

Response codes

HTTP Status Description Message
200 Success Success
400 Incorrect credentials Not authorized, Please Login again.

POST Retrieve Forward Rate

Request Sample

  "sourceCurrency": "gbp",
  "targetCurrency": "eur",
  "sourceAmount": 500,
  "targetAmount": 0,
  "valueDate": "15/03/2022"

Response Sample

    "rateId": 3493,
    "sourceCurrency": "gbp",
    "targetCurrency": "eur",
    "sourceAmount": 500,
    "targetAmount": 568.48,
    "valueDate": "15/03/2022",
    "rate": 1.1369541

Call this API to retrieve the forward rate for a source currency or target currency. You will then receive the rate and a rate ID which can be used to book the contract.

Request URL


Field In Format Description Required
token header string Authentication token Mandatory
sourceCurrency body string Selling currency’s three-digit code Mandatory
targetCurrency body string Buying currency’s three-digit code Mandatory
sourceAmount body decimal Enter desired selling amount Either source amount or target amount
targetAmount body decimal Enter desired buying amount Either source amount or target amount
valueDate body String Format: DD/MM/YYYY Mandatory

Response codes

HTTP Status Description Message
200 Success Success
400 Incorrect credentials Not authorized, Please Login again.