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Smart Currency Fintech’s solutions for the travel industry

By Jonathan Cook April 4th, 2024

The travel industry faces a host of challenges, but we're committed to offering new solutions to our clients.

In the travel industry, businesses face an array of challenges that demand innovative solutions. From operational intricacies to currency volatility, the landscape for travel businesses is fraught with complexities. In this post, we delve into five prominent challenges facing the travel sector and explain the powerful solutions that Smart Currency Fintech brings to the table.

1. Operational capacity
The operational capacity of travel businesses is often hindered by the manual processing of payments, especially in the busier periods after Christmas. Making multiple payments manually not only limits scalability as the business grows but also introduces operational risks that can be both time-consuming and expensive to resolve.

The Smart Currency Fintech solution
Smart Currency Fintech’s solution addresses the operational challenges associated with manual payments. This automated solution enables businesses to make multiple payments via a simplified process, reducing the risk of errors and enhancing overall efficiency. In the dynamic world of travel, where precision is paramount, our automated solution ensures that every payment is accurate and secure, fostering operational agility.

2. Manual reporting and reconciliations
One persistent challenge in the travel sector revolves around the manual reporting and reconciliations processes. The arduous task of reconciling account balances and managing multiple systems manually can lead to a lack of control and oversight. This manual approach not only consumes valuable time but also introduces the risk of errors that can be costly to rectify.

The Smart Currency Fintech solution
Smart Currency Fintech payment solutions offer a streamlined approach to this challenge. By adopting our services, travel businesses can receive daily reconciliation reports that seamlessly integrate with internal systems. This not only saves time but ensures a more accurate and efficient reconciliation process, allowing businesses to redirect their focus to strategic growth initiatives.

3. Foreign currency exposure
Foreign currency exposure is a significant concern for travel companies making regular overseas payments. Currency market volatility can adversely affect businesses, and sudden movements in exchange rates can lead to financial uncertainties.

The Smart Currency Fintech solution
Smart Currency Fintech payment solutions offer an automated forward contract solution, allowing travel businesses to hedge individual cross-border transactions. This precise hedging program provides maximum coverage for up to two years, mitigating the risks associated with foreign currency exposure. By adopting our solutions, businesses gain the ability to manage FX risk more effectively in the ever-fluctuating currency market, ensuring financial stability in turbulent times.

4. Dynamic pricing capabilities
For travel companies, especially those with an international customer base, presenting prices in the customer’s native currency is crucial. Failure to do so can result in abandoned carts and customers opting for competitors with more user-friendly pricing strategies.

The Smart Currency Fintech solution
Smart Fintech’s payment solutions automatically price products in the customer’s native currency, reducing the number of abandoned baskets. This not only enhances the overall booking experience but also positions travel businesses as outstanding customer service providers. Our solutions cater to diverse currency preferences, setting businesses apart from the competition and fostering customer loyalty. By providing a seamless and personalised pricing experience, travel businesses can maximise conversions and build lasting relationships with customers.

Industry Trust: Smart Currency Fintech & ABTOT partnership

In addition to the comprehensive suite of solutions provided by Smart Currency Fintech, travel businesses can further fortify their industry standing through strategic partnerships with reputable entities. One notable association is ABTOT (Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust), of which Smart Currency Fintech proudly stands as an associate.

Given the payment intricacies of the travel industry, collaborating with esteemed organisations like ABTOT adds an extra layer of credibility and trust. This collaboration not only addresses the operational intricacies, currency exposures, pricing dynamics and challenges but also reinforces the industry’s commitment to the highest standards of professionalism and financial responsibility. ABTOT is an approved body, appointed by the UK government department for business and Trade, and ensures that all ABTOT Members bonds are at an adequate level to comply with the UK Travel Regulations. As a trusted associate of ABTOT, Smart Currency Fintech aligns with industry standards and best practices, offering travel businesses not only innovative financial solutions but also the assurance of being part of a network committed to excellence.

By leveraging the expertise and reputation of ABTOT, travel businesses embracing Smart Currency Fintech’s solutions gain an added dimension of reliability and industry endorsement. This strategic collaboration underscores a commitment to financial integrity and customer protection, instilling confidence in both partners and clients alike.


The challenges facing the travel industry are diverse and dynamic, requiring nuanced solutions to navigate successfully. Smart Currency Fintech solutions offer a comprehensive suite of tools that address the intricacies of manual reporting, operational capacity, foreign currency exposure, dynamic pricing, and talent acquisition. By integrating these solutions into their operations, travel businesses can not only overcome current challenges but also position themselves for a smarter, more resilient future. Smart Currency Fintech is more than a solution, it’s a strategic partner in the journey toward success in a complex, changing industry.